Northumberland County Council
Personal Watercraft User Code of Conduct and Zoning.
Northumberland County Council in partnership with Blyth Authority operate a code of conduct for personal watercraft used in the bay. All personal watercraft must be 200m beyond the surf, unless they are in the marked inshore zone at Maggies Burn. The exclusion zones around the mouth of Blyth and Seaton sluice harbours are out of bounds all year round, except in an emergency.
Code of conduct.
- All personal watercraft must be launched within the designated area.
- The authority reserves the right to restrict launching and use if it is deemed necessary for safety reasons.
- The authority reserves the right to impose zoning.
- Refuelling to be carried out in the launching zone only, all spillages to be reported.
- All vehicles must be removed from the beach and parked in a designated parking zone. Trailers may be left on the beach in a safe position and not causing any obstruction
- Any deliberate harassment or nuisance caused to other beach and water users will result in the marine police being called and the offender being removed from the water or beach and being banned from launching at Blyth.
- The council accepts no liability for any injury or death of any person or damage to property of any person using or operating a personal watercraft or their agents or invitees or any other person, except where such acts or injuries involve negligence on the part of the authority and its agents.
- The authority and the club operate “one strike and out” policy. A breach of the code will result in a ban from the club and use of the launch revoked.
- Any person banned by any authority or club in the north East Jetski club partnership will be refused users rights at Blyth. The details of anyone banned from Blyth by the authority will be shared by all members of the partnership.

For any further information, or to report any behaviour that causes you concern, contact the coastal warden at Fort House or telephone (01670) 797323 or (07932) 440838
Alternatively contact a member of the Blyth Jetski club committee.