Club Rules

  1. Buoyancy aids and lanyards (if installed) must be worn at all times when on the water.
  2. The local authority rules and code of conduct must be a beard at all times.
  3. The gate is to be locked immediately after use.
  4. No PWC is to be operated under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  5. Towed inflatable toys are to be only used 200m offshore and kept clear of the inshore zones unless launching or recovering.
  6. All craft to be operated in a safe and responsible manner at all times.
  7. No PWC is to be started unless on the beach.
  8. All accidents/incidents involving club members must be reported to the club and the coastal warden as soon as possible.
  9. All associated motor vehicles must be operated in a safe manner at all times.
  10. Members who are using a vehicle for lone launching must have stand-by arrangements for recovery in the case of an emergency.
  11. All vehicles used on the beach must be capable of travelling over the terrain they are travelling over.
  12. A respect policy between all club members must be adhered to at all times. Any breaking of this rule will mean the club member being asked to attend a committee meeting explaining their behaviour. The committee has the final say in these instances.
  13. The club operate “one strike and out” policy. A breach of the code will result in a ban from the club and use of the launch revoked. The committee has the final say in these instances.
  14. Any persons who are banned from other watercraft clubs in the area will automatically be banned from Blyth Jet Ski club. The length of the ban is at the discretion of the committee.